Lola Weinreis: Fashioned by God

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Listeners who are familiar with the voice of the Hope Radio KCMI radio personality who extends a warm and friendly invitation on Sunday afternoons to “come along with Lola” may be surprised to discover that radio is just a sideline.

While Lola Weinreis can be heard at various times most days of the week on the radio, she also works in the offices of the Weinreis’ family business and, if that wasn’t diverse enough, she recently launched her own image consulting business, Style 311.

“When I was a kid, I fell in love with the idea of radio when we got a little microphone and speaker set as a gift. I was pretty sure when you heard a song on the radio, the singer was right in the studio, strumming his guitar as he sang just for the listeners of that station,” she recalls with a smile.

She continues, “Radio, especially Christian radio, is so powerful because music sticks in your head and can really change your mood.”

Weinreis has also discovered that appearance has the power to affect your mood, especially when it comes to confidence.

“What we wear definitely has an effect on our mood and, as we know, our mood and attitude have a profound impact on our day. When we are wearing clothing that works for our coloring and flatters our shape we feel more confident. Feeling confident lifts our mood and can change our outlook for the entire day. Since we all get dressed every day, let’s do it well!” She suggests enthusiastically.

An avid reader, Weinreis explains where her inspiration for fashion consulting came from.

“In 2010 I came across a book titled, Good Girls Don’t Have to Dress Bad. I saw that title and thought, ‘Why would I ever need to read this? And, why would anyone read this?’”

“It turns out I did need to know the things taught in that book and they made so much sense to me! The way we dress affects our confidence and that affects how people perceive us,” Weinreis states.

“When we know how to look our best, it has a very positive affect on our lives,” she declares.

The book was written by fashion editor and author, Shari Braendel, America’s leading Christian stylist and a sought-after speaker on the subjects of fashion, beauty, and dignity.

And as it turns out, Mrs. Braendel also trains women to become Christian Image Consultants.

“I was trained by Shari Braendel. She has an entire certification process that is done virtually with different modules of training,” explained Weinreis.

“I participated in group settings with other students. We were provided with materials and tools like color test drapes. It is a thorough training that included testing to make sure that we knew the material well,” she said.

As a believer and follower of Jesus, Weinreis’ interest in fashion consulting goes beyond just another item on her professional resume. Weinreis says that she believes that what she is doing is ministry.

“Genesis 1:27 tells us that each of us is made in God’s image. This means that each of us is beautiful! I want to use Style 311 to remind women of their intrinsic beauty and value, and to show them how they can present that to the world around them with confidence in who God made them to be.”

She also observes, “In today’s world, I think women don’t consider how their outer appearance affects nearly every area of their lives.

“As an example, I have a friend who works from home and homeschools her youngest. She has said she is able to be so much more productive when she intentionally gets ready for the day, putting on an actual outfit instead of staying in her pj's all day long.

“If you work outside the home the same is still true for you. When you leave the house knowing your clothes are neat and tidy, fit you well, and work for the tasks in front of you that day you get a boost of confidence in your ability to do them well,” Weinreis continued.

“When you feel confident in your appearance you naturally project that confidence to the people around you. This spills over into how you do your work and even how you respond to the people around you. It's a small thing to dress well but it makes a bigger impact than you know,” she declares.

Weinreis says that her initial training was online and since then she has had continuing training with Braendel, some in-person in South Carolina and some live online.

She is available for personal style consultations and other services for those in the WyoBraska area or even virtually via e-mail or phone.

Recently Weinreis was invited to be the featured speaker for the Valley Women’s Fellowship hosted at the Summit Christian College.

“The principles of Style 311 are an excellent topic for ladies events at your church and other Christian women’s events,” she notes.

“I was raised in a Christian home and have always known that the Bible is the Word of God. I accepted Jesus into my heart at a Child Evangelism Fellowship 5 Day Club when I was 5 or 6. I was baptized when I was 11 and I am so thankful for the salvation that comes only through Jesus,” she states.

Weinreis explains how her faith is reflected in the name she chose for her image consulting business.

“The name comes from Ecclesiastes 3:11, which says, ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the hearts of men, yet that cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.’” she quotes.

“I love that verse because it tells us that everything, including you and me, is beautiful. The second part is also a good reminder that this world is not all there is. When we trust Jesus alone for salvation, we have eternity to look forward to. These things change the way we live,” says Weinreis.

To learn more, she can be contacted via e-mail at or call 308-641-2068

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